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Recycling Services
Recycle Technologies has been delivering recycling services to the community since 1993. As a recycling and shredding company based in the Midwest, we operate licensed facilities in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Notably, Recycle Technologies stands as the sole Minority-Owned document destruction and recycling enterprise in the Midwest region.

What to do with old CDs?

February 2, 2023
Recycling old CDs is challenging due to limited options and their plastic composition. Instead of throwing them away, use services like Recycle Technologies' mail-in program or repurpose them by selling or donating. This means you don’t have to think anymore about ‘what to do with old CDs.’ Proper disposal prevents environmental harm and reduces clutter. Avoid burning CDs, as it releases toxic chemicals.
Recycling old CDs is challenging due to limited options and their plastic composition. Instead of throwing them away, use services like Recycle Technologies' mail-in program or repurpose them by selling or donating. This means you don’t have to think anymore about ‘what to do with old CDs.’ Proper disposal prevents environmental harm and reduces clutter. Avoid burning CDs, as it releases toxic chemicals.

Recycling old CDs will become a challenge for many. There aren’t many recycling options for CDs because the market of these products is limited. Almost all CDs are composed of plastic. These are the ones you find in your daily life. A mixture of plastic resin helps create these discs. The internals are polystyrene and the exteriors are polycarbonate. So, the question arises: What to do with old CDs? The answer to your dilemma lies in this article. Since these items are hard to recycle, there are other options to properly dispose of these items.

When you think about ‘What to do with old CDs?’ keep in mind it is highly unlikely that your trash collectors accept CDs of any kind. There are costs when it comes to recycling any material. The cost to do so offsets the result. With CDs, this is, not the case. If you want to dispose of responsibly CDs, then you most likely have to pay the delivery cost. Companies like Recycle Technologies are viable options. Their mail-in program is the perfect solution to clear your home of CD clutter in one swoop. Contact their customer support to get in touch with someone who can guide you. They will help you dispose of these CDs in a meaningful manner.

How many parts does CD contain and why recycling is safer?

All CDs come in three parts. This includes the shiny part, the Cd case, and the paper present inside the jewel case. Only two of the components are fully recyclable. The third one is a challenge and takes a lot of work to recycle properly. This is because it takes plastic of this kind 1 million years to fully decompose. Burning CDs is also a bad idea as they could release toxic chemicals such as HCL and Sulfur dioxide.

The melting of polycarbonate may lead to hazards to your health such as cardiovascular diseases. The other reason is that you can’t place your plastic CDs into curbside binning. The reason many municipal cleaning services don’t take them as they feel these things have no value in them.

What to do with old CDs - RTI Mail-in Program

Recycle Technologies Mail-in program is unique at best. So, don’t think any more about ‘What to do with old CDs’ RTI’s service allows you to dispose of various electronics while sitting in the comfort of your home. You can easily dispose of old lightbulbs, alkaline batteries, and CDs. The best way to dispose of these products responsibly is to play them in a cardboard box. Then attach the RT Shipping tags which you can get from RT customer support. And then drop your trash at the nearest FedEx. In a few hours, we will receive your trash and recycle it responsibly. After the dead is done, we will send you the certificate of recycling.

This ensures that you properly disposed of all items. Recycle Technologies might have a charge for this service but from the information, we have they only charge for the postage. The main reason why many consumers prefer Recycle Technologies is that they take material that has no further operating life. They break them down into small components and reclaim them. For 30 years Recycle Technologies has been making sure that no materials are exported. And this is what to do with old CDs.

Repurposing is the Answer to What to do with old CDs

The other good way to dispose of CDs is to repurpose them. Declutter is an online website that will gladly buy used CDs. They will even buy you used CDs if they have scratches. You can also donate your CDs by dropping them off at the local library or local non-profit group. This is the only other way of disposing of old CDs. This is what to do with old CDs. There are no other options than reusing them or recycling them. On a final note, we prefer that you not toss them in your trash bin. Your only option persists to recycling them instead. Lessening your clutter is essential. We like to hoard trash and in time it becomes a health hazard that we have no clue about. Before that happens, it is best that you properly dispose of Old CDs that you no longer require.

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Recycle Technologies has been providing services to the community since 1993. We are a Midwest-based recycling and shredding company.
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